Before you can start actually developing you will have to understand a few things and get things setup so that you can get to what you need to do.

First things first, make sure you are using the same Node version as we are, at least Node 18.

Then, after you do have the right Node version, let’s go over the setup for development.


Clone the repository

git clone

Enable pnpm through corepack

inside of react-email
corepack enable
corepack prepare pnpm@latest --activate

Install all the dependencies

inside of react-email
pnpm install

Build all the packages

inside of react-email
pnpm build

It’s important to run this because each package may depend on other packages, so having them pre-built may save you a bit of headache.

This should have you set up and running without any issues, If you do have any issues please open up an issue on GitHub.