Opening issues is a really important step in the open-source flow, they are truly one of the things that keeps a project stable and are also a pointer to the commitment of the maintainers to the project.

If you are going to open an issue we would really appreciate that you follow a few guidelines and general rules so that our work can go smoothly and not waste time.

Think twice before opening an issue

Before opening an issue, it is going to be very helpful that you first think twice about what domain it falls under. Many times, issues will get opened asking questions, or making feature proposals. Please keep both of these under our Discussions as this is where we prefer to keep them.

This is important so that actual bugs are higher priority than both questions and feature requests. That is not to say these are not important, as they are important to us, both to keep the community alive and to take the project further respectively.

Make a proper reproduction

In most of the cases, an issue will need a proper reproduction, please provide one. Do not set the link to the reproduction pointing to our repository either, unless it is into one of our examples that does indeed reproduce the issue. Make a reproduction yourself.

Let me walk you through the following situation. Imagine you open up an issue, and you do not provide a reproduction, if we are to consider your issue and try to reproduce, we will have to ask questions until we can get something that is the same issue. But oh, it might not be the same issue either, we might have gotten into a different place from this, not only that but the asynchronous back-and-forth of these questions adds up quite fast, this results in a few things:

  1. Your actual issue might not actually get fixed
  2. Other people that have the same issue will not get their fix as soon as possible
  3. It will be a lot harder to check if the issue has been fixed on a new release

So even though it may feel a bit cumbersome at the moment of opening the issue to make an actual reproduction, please do so, because it will be much more beneficial for you, other library users and the collaborators that will try fixing the issue for you.

Always test with the latest canary and stable versions

If you are going to open up an issue regarding a bug, it is going to save a lot of time if you just test both the latest canary and latest stable versions to make sure your issue already hasn’t been fixed on any other version. In case it has been fixed on canary, you can still open the issue, and we will tag it with Fixed under canary so that others know it has been fixed.

If you do find that the bug was introduced in a specific version, and an older version didn’t have the issue then you should mention that this is a regression and in what versions it was introduced.


Now that you are ready, you can go ahead and click down here and start writing up your issue! Thank you so much for contributing.